About me

I’m an Associate Professor at Université Côte d’Azur, and a member of the Probabilités and Statistiques Team of the Laboratoire Jean Alexandre Dieudonné.

Prior to this position, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Rutgers University, working with Mert Gürbüzbalaban. I completed my Ph. D. at the Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann (Grenoble - France), under the supervision of Jérôme Malick. My Ph.D. thesis can be found here.

Generally speaking, I am interested in optimization problems involving uncertainty and their applications, in both stochastic programming and machine learning. A common thread in my research is the design and analysis of numerical algorithms to address risk in data-driven applications, notably in Federated Learning (see the webpage of our recent project Δ-FL).

Open Positions
  • Sep-26-2024 :
    Our paper on high probability guarantees for non-convex stochastic min-max problems was accepted to Neurips 2024. See you in Vancouver!
  • May-23-2024 :
    Our paper on high probability guarantees for strongly monotone stochastic min-max problems was accepted to JMLR.
  • May-23-2024 :
    Presenting our work on stochastic minmax problems at Conference JDS, in Bordeaux.
  • May-23-2024 :
    Presenting our work on stochastic minmax problems at the University of Versailles.
  • May-05-2024 :
    Giving a 4-day guest lecture on Distributionally Robust Optimization at the University of Tlemcen, in Algeria.
  • Apr-19-2024 :
    Presenting our work on stochastic minmax problems at the Journée LJAD-Inria in Nice.
  • Mar-29-2024 :
    Our paper on bilevel programming for chance constrained optimization was accepted in Computational Optimization and Applications (COAP).
  • Feb-01-2024 :
    Presenting our work on stochastic minmax problems to the Optimization Seminar of Avignon Université.
  • Jan-09-2024 :
    Presenting our work on stochastic minmax problems to the Probability Seminar of Université Côte d’Azur.
  • Dec-18-2023 :
    Presenting our work stochastic min-max problems to the OptAzur Seminar.
  • Nov-30-2023 :
    Presenting our works on risk-averse Machine Learning to the Numerical Analysis Seminar and PDE’s Seminar of Université Côte d’Azur.
  • Oct-18-2023 :
    Visiting for 3 weeks Mert Gurbuzbalaban at Rutgers!
  • Oct-17-2023 :
    Presenting our work on Stochastic minmax problems to Informs Conference in Arizona.
  • Sep-22-2023 :
    Presenting our work on stochastic minmax problems at the Optim Seminar of Grenoble.
  • Sep-01-2023 :
    Starting my associate professor position in Université Côte d’Azur.