Quick start guide

This section aims provides an explanation of how to build and solve a problem using RandomizedProgressiveHedging.jl by solving a toy problem. The equivalent script and ijulia notebook can be found in the examples folder.


RandomizedProgressiveHedging.jl is a pure julia package. It can be installed from julia by using the built-in package manager:

using Pkg
using RandomizedProgressiveHedging

Getting solvers

RandomizedProgressiveHedging depends on other solvers to optimize the subproblems. All solvers interfaced with JuMP, the julia mathematical programming language, can be used in RandomizedProgressiveHedging, a list of which can be found at JuMP's documentation.

Note that all algorithms layout subproblem with quadratic objectives. Default subproblem solver is the interior point algorithm Ipopt.

Laying out a problem

We take the following problem as example:

\[\begin{aligned} \underset{x}{\text{minimize}}\quad & \sum_{t=1}^T C e_t + y_t \\ \text{s.t.}\quad & q_t, y_t, e_t \ge 0 \\ & q_t \le W \\ & e_t+y_t \ge D \\ & q_1 = \bar{r}-y_1 \\ & q_t = q_{t-1}+r[\xi_t]-y_t, \; t = 2, \ldots, T. \end{aligned}\]

where $C = 5$, $W = 8$, $D = 6$, $r = [2, 10]$. A scenario is defined by $(\xi_t)_{t=2, \ldots, T}$, for $\xi_t\in\{1,2\}$.

Representing a scenario

A scenario is represented by the following structure:

struct HydroThermalScenario <: AbstractScenario

Here, the attribut weather will hold one realisation of $(\xi_t)_{t=2, \ldots, T}$.

Along with this scenario structure, the function laying out the scenario objective function $f_s$ needs to be defined. It takes as input the JuMP model that will hold $f_s$, an instance of the previously defined scenario structure, and the identifier of the scenario.

using JuMP

function build_fs!(model::JuMP.Model, s::HydroThermalScenario, id_scen::ScenarioId)
    C = 5
    W = 8
    D = 6
    rain = [2, 10]

    T = length(s.weather)+1
    Y = @variable(model, [1:3*T], base_name="y_s$id_scen")

    q = [Y[1+3*k] for k in 0:T-1]
    y = [Y[2+3*k] for k in 0:T-1]
    e = [Y[3+3*k] for k in 0:T-1]

    ## State variables constraints
    @constraint(model, Y[:] .>= 0)      # positivity constraint
    @constraint(model, q .<= W)         # reservoir max capacity
    @constraint(model, e .+ y .>= D)    # meet demand

    ## Dynamic constraints
    @constraint(model, q[1] == sum(rain)/length(rain) - y[1])
    @constraint(model, [t=2:T], q[t] == q[t-1] - y[t] + rain[s.weather[t-1]+1])

    objexpr = C*sum(e) + sum(y)

    return Y, objexpr, []
  • The last item returned by the function should be the reference of constraints used to build the objective, none here. Such constraints can appear when modelling a $\max(u, v)$ in the objective as a variable $m$, under the linear constraints $m\ge u$ and $m\ge v$.

Representing the scenario tree

The scenario tree represents the stage up to which scenarios are equal.

If the problem scenario tree is a perfect $m$-ary tree of depth $T$, it can be built using a buit-in function:

scenariotree = ScenarioTree(; depth=T, nbranching=m)

If the tree is not regular, or simple enough, it can be built by writing specifically the partition of equivalent scenarios per stage. A simple example would be:

using DataStructures
stageid_to_scenpart = [
    OrderedSet([BitSet(1:3)]),                      # Stage 1
    OrderedSet([BitSet(1), BitSet(2:3)]),           # Stage 2
    OrderedSet([BitSet(1), BitSet(2), BitSet(3)]),  # Stage 3

However this method is not efficient, and whenever possible builtin functions should be favoured.

Building the Problem

scenid_to_weather(scen_id, T) = return [mod(floor(Int, scen_id / 2^i), 2) for i in T-1:-1:0]

T = 5
nbranching = 2

p = 0.5

nscenarios = 2^(T-1)
scenarios = HydroThermalScenario[ HydroThermalScenario( scenid_to_weather(scen_id, T-1) ) for scen_id in 0:nscenarios-1]
probas = [ prod(v*p + (1-v)*(1-p) for v in scenid_to_weather(scen_id, T-1)) for scen_id in 1:nscenarios ]

stage_to_dim = [3*i-2:3*i for i in 1:T]
scenariotree = ScenarioTree(; depth=T, nbranching=2)

pb = Problem(

Solving a problem

Explicitly solving the problem

y_direct = solve_direct(pb)
println("\nDirect solve output is:")
@show objective_value(pb, y_direct)

Solving with Progressive Hedging

y_PH = solve_progressivehedging(pb, ϵ_primal=1e-4, ϵ_dual=1e-4, printstep=5)
println("\nSequential solve output is:")
@show objective_value(pb, y_PH)

Solving with Randomized Progressive Hedging

y_sync = solve_randomized_sync(pb, maxtime=5, printstep=50)
println("\nSynchronous solve output is:")
@show objective_value(pb, y_sync)

Solving with Parallel Randomized Progressive Hedging

y_par = solve_randomized_par(pb, maxtime=5, printstep=50)
println("\nSynchronous solve output is:")
@show objective_value(pb, y_par)

Solving with Asynchronous Randomized Progressive Hedging

Asynchronous solve leverages the distributed capacities of julia. In order to be used, workers need to be available. Local or remote workers can be added with addprocs.

RandomizedProgressiveHedging and JuMP packages need to be available for all workers, along with the scenario object and objective build function.

addprocs(3)     # add 3 workers besides master
@everywhere using RandomizedProgressiveHedging, JuMP

@everywhere HydroThermalScenario, build_fs!

y_async = solve_randomized_async(pb, maxtime=5, printstep=100)
println("Asynchronous solve output is:")
@show objective_value(pb, y_par)